Trying for a baby?
If you are planning to conceive for the first time, or if you are planning another pregnancy, there is more information and advice here:
Conception and Getting pregnant
During Pregnancy
If you have had a positive home pregnancy test and you believe yourself to be pregnant, unless you are having complications or wish to discuss the pregnancy further, there is no need to visit your GP.
Contact the surgery and book an appointment with the midwife for around 6 – 10 weeks after your last menstrual cycle. Midwife ‘booking in’ appointments get filled very quickly so please try to contact us as soon as possible. Please allow 1 hour for this appointment.
Not sure if you are pregnant? Signs and Symptoms of pregnancy
Read about your babies development in this week by week guide Your pregnancy week by week
More information on how to stay healthy, what to expect during pregnancy and as the baby is born Pregnancy and baby guide
Antenatal care is usually carried out by your community midwife, click the link for more information Your antenatal care
You can sign up with start4life to receive weekly emails and videos offering support during your pregnancy
After your baby is born
Please complete a registration form for your new baby via our website.(Our practice safeguarding policy stipulates that at least one adult with parental responsibility must also registered with the practice)
Evidence suggests that there is no need for a post-natal check at 6 weeks, unless you are having problems such as persistent bleeding, discharge, or pain. If you have any of these problems 4-6 weeks after having your baby, please make a joint appointment to see the doctor and the Health Care Assistant.
You also need to make an appointment if:
1 Your blood pressure was raised during the pregnancy. Please see the Health Care Assistant after 4-6 weeks.
2 You need a smear. This can only be done at least 12 weeks after having your baby and can be booked with the nurse.
3 You were anaemic during pregnancy and are still tired after 6 weeks. You will need a blood test and Reception should be able to organise a form for you to collect.
4 You need contraception. Guidelines suggest you should start effective contraception as soon as possible after the birth of your baby. You need effective contraception from 3 weeks after the birth. Progesterone only methods such as the progesterone only pill (eg desogestrel, cerazette), the depo and the implant can be started immediately after the birth. The combined contraceptive pill can be started at 3 weeks post-natal (providing you do not have risk factors for thrombosis and are not breast feeding) and if a coil was not fitted before you left the hospital it should be fitted 1 month after delivery. For more information regarding your contraceptive options please look at the FPA website.
5 You are considering having a coil fitted, Please contact the surgery and discuss this with the GP ideally in the first 4 weeks after the birth.
At 8 weeks
The surgery will contact you with an appointment to see the GP for a baby assessment, if the baby is fit and well we will offer your child their 1st baby immunisations. Click on the link for vaccinations or speak to your Midwife/Health Visitor or GP. – Vaccination schedule
You should receive contact from the Health Visitor community team.
- For more information and support
Sign up for emails and videos offering support during your child’s early years – start4life
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the surgery for advice.
Information and what to expect – Breastfeeding Advice
and for further support – http://www.breastfeedingderbys.co.uk/